[Uber Hong Kong]Insurance for all rides on Uber in Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Getting people from A to B safely and reliably is the single most important thing we do every day at Uber.
Uber maintains a group ride-share liability insurance policy with a leading Hong Kong insurer. This policy provides additional protection to riders and third-parties during any Uber ride-sharing trip in Hong Kong.
The liability insurance policy protects riders and third-parties in the event of an accident during a ride-share involving bodily injury or death, and applies from the moment you book a trip, to the moment the last passenger exits the vehicle.
The limit of liability is HKD100 million per occurrence for bodily injury or death, which is equal to that required of all vehicles under Hong Kong law.
Please note: this post provides an informational summary of our insurance policy for quick reference and does not affirmatively or negatively amend, extend, or alter the coverage afforded by these policies.
[Hong Kong]重返香港01
**UBER HK DRIVER 賺取優渥收入!重返Uber 香港01
成為 香港 Uber 內的 Uber 合作駕駛,賺取優渥收入,一切任您做主。香港提供適合獨立合作夥伴的全職與兼職載客服務工作機會,Uber給您最大的工作時間彈性。Uber 會代為處理所有細節,協助您全神貫注從事最適合的車輛載客服