UBER 老師劉伯烏
UBER 老師劉伯烏

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[Uber 香港]Flash:香港Uber結合 UberX 和的士之全新選擇

Uber 香港宣布從今天起於 App 內增設全新「Flash」交通選擇,為香港市民提供一個既便捷、又實惠的出行選擇。乘客選擇 Flash 服務後,系統會自動為乘客配對最就近的 UberX 或的士司機夥伴,一個 App 內滿足不同出行需要。與其他 Uber 交通選擇一樣,乘客能於確認行程前在 Uber App 上清楚得悉該行程之即時定價及其他相關費用,而 Flash 的價格亦與 UberX 相同。


Uber 北亞區公共政策總監 Émilie Potvin 表示:「我們十分高興能夠於香港推出 Flash 試驗計劃,沿用 Uber 的科技大大提升的士夥伴之經濟機遇。Uber 期望幫助的士夥伴增加經濟效益之餘,亦讓不同人士於城市間的穿梭變得更便捷。我們致力於透過增加道路上的流動性為香港創造機會,亦誠邀各的士業界參與,體驗 Uber 以科技所能帶動的可能性。」

Uber 香港推出 Flash 後,將繼續致力確保乘客及一眾司機夥伴擁有流暢、可靠及優質的體驗。Uber 會繼續為乘客及司機夥伴提供相互評分機制及二十四小時乘客支援服務,以保持服務質素。乘客於 Uber App 內選擇 Flash 服務,亦能繼續享用所有既有功能,包括即時定價、預計抵達時間 (ETA)、應用程式內通訊、即時位置分享、預計到達目的地時間 (ETD)、平分車資、報告及認領失物以及電子支付車資等等。

Uber 於台灣、南韓、日本等地把的士服務增設於 Uber App 內,如今更將的士服務進一步擴大至香港。如的士業界有興趣參與或了解合作機會,請前往http://t.uber.com/taxihk_enquiry 填寫表格。


劉伯烏 博士 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

[Uber 香港]Flash:香港Uber結合 UberX 和的士之全新選擇

Uber 香港宣布從今天起於 App 內增設全新「Flash」交通選擇,為香港市民提供一個既便捷、又實惠的出行選擇。乘客選擇 Flash 服務後,系統會自動為乘客配對最就近的 UberX 或的士司機夥伴,一個 App 內滿足不同出行需要。與其他 Uber 交通選擇一樣,乘客能於確認行程前在 Uber App 上清楚得悉該行程之即時定價及其他相關費用,而 Flash 的價格亦與 UberX 相同。


Uber 北亞區公共政策總監 Émilie Potvin 表示:「我們十分高興能夠於香港推出 Flash 試驗計劃,沿用 Uber 的科技大大提升的士夥伴之經濟機遇。Uber 期望幫助的士夥伴增加經濟效益之餘,亦讓不同人士於城市間的穿梭變得更便捷。我們致力於透過增加道路上的流動性為香港創造機會,亦誠邀各的士業界參與,體驗 Uber 以科技所能帶動的可能性。」

Uber 香港推出 Flash 後,將繼續致力確保乘客及一眾司機夥伴擁有流暢、可靠及優質的體驗。Uber 會繼續為乘客及司機夥伴提供相互評分機制及二十四小時乘客支援服務,以保持服務質素。乘客於 Uber App 內選擇 Flash 服務,亦能繼續享用所有既有功能,包括即時定價、預計抵達時間 (ETA)、應用程式內通訊、即時位置分享、預計到達目的地時間 (ETD)、平分車資、報告及認領失物以及電子支付車資等等。

我們先後於台灣、南韓、日本等地把的士服務增設於 Uber App 內,如今更將的士服務進一步擴大至香港。如的士業界有興趣參與或了解合作機會,請前往http://t.uber.com/taxihk_enquiry 填寫表格。


劉伯烏 博士 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

[Hong Kong uberASSIST] Uber making our city more accessible

April 11, 2018 / Hong Kong

Here at Uber, we are evolving the way cities move. By seamlessly connecting riders to driver-partners through our app, we make cities more accessible. This is whyAssist is in Hong Kong. Since 2017, we have been taking another extra step to lend a helping hand to the community.

About Assist

Assist is an option designed for anyone in need, especially seniors, expectant mothers, people with disabilities or going through rehabilitation, and those who may just feel more comfortable with an extra hand. With the push of a button, you will be matched with well trained Assist driver-partners.

All Assist services are provided by top-rated driver-partners who have completed hands-on and in-person educational sessions led by Bamboos Professional Nursing Services, SILENCE, and Hong Kong Blind Union,  authorized and endorsed by Hong Kong Health Care Federation. During the sessions, driver-partners go through different exercises including demonstrations on how to fold and unfold wheelchairs and how to guide people with visual impairments.

Who is eligible?

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[Uber Hong Kong]Important updates to Uber’s Privacy Policy

We believe it should be easy for you to understand our privacy practices. That’s why we’re launching an updated and streamlined Privacy Policy that explains in clear language what information we collect, how we use it, and the choices and controls you have. We’re also publishing FAQs and other resources to give you, even more, details about our privacy practices.

Here are some of the key changes to our Privacy Policy:

We compiled our privacy practices for Uber riders, drivers, and UberEats customers around the world into a single privacy policy

We revised our privacy policy to make it more concise and easy-to-read

We updated the policy to reflect our latest products and services, and added additional details and examples to help you understand our privacy practices

We explained how long we retain your information

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[Hong Kong Uber Flash]方便:一鍵叫齊的士或 UberX全新 Uber Flash 正式登場:一鍵 call 齊的士或 UberX

關於 Uber Flash

由今日起,Uber 將於 App 內增設全新嘅 Uber Flash 交通選擇,為香港市民提供一個既方便、又優質嘅服務。只要你選擇 Flash 服務後,Uber 就會為你配對最近上車位置嘅 UberX 或的士司機夥伴,啱曬分秒必爭嘅乘客。以後撳一個掣叫到兩種車,大家搭車就更方便啦!


點解要選擇Uber Flash ?

方便:一鍵叫齊的士或 UberX

依家喺同一個 Uber App 入面,輸入目的地後,就可以選擇新登場嘅 Flash,我哋會為你配對最近嘅的士或 UberX 司機夥伴,以後搭車就唔駛再左諗右諗!

優質:Uber 司機夥伴服務質素保證 

為保證服務質素,所有喺 Uber 香港平台上線嘅司機夥伴同車輛必須符合指定要求。我哋亦鼓勵所有司機夥伴及乘客為行程評分,以保證 Flash 嘅服務水平。同時我哋嘅客戶服務專員亦會跟進意見,如果乘客遺失物件或需要協助,我哋會隨時為你跟進。

Uber Flash 如何收費?

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[Hong Kong Uber Flash]全新 Uber Flash 正式登場:一鍵 call 齊的士或 UberX

關於 Uber Flash

由今日起,Uber 將於 App 內增設全新嘅 Uber Flash 交通選擇,為香港市民提供一個既方便、又優質嘅服務。只要你選擇 Flash 服務後,Uber 就會為你配對最近上車位置嘅 UberX 或的士司機夥伴,啱曬分秒必爭嘅乘客。以後撳一個掣叫到兩種車,大家搭車就更方便啦!


點解要選擇Uber Flash ?

方便:一鍵叫齊的士或 UberX

依家喺同一個 Uber App 入面,輸入目的地後,就可以選擇新登場嘅 Flash,我哋會為你配對最近嘅的士或 UberX 司機夥伴,以後搭車就唔駛再左諗右諗!

優質:Uber 司機夥伴服務質素保證 

為保證服務質素,所有喺 Uber 香港平台上線嘅司機夥伴同車輛必須符合指定要求。我哋亦鼓勵所有司機夥伴及乘客為行程評分,以保證 Flash 嘅服務水平。同時我哋嘅客戶服務專員亦會跟進意見,如果乘客遺失物件或需要協助,我哋會隨時為你跟進。

Uber Flash 如何收費?

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[Hong Kong Uber Flash]全新 Uber Flash 正式登場:一鍵 call 齊的士或 UberX

關於 Uber Flash

由今日起,Uber 將於 App 內增設全新嘅 Uber Flash 交通選擇,為香港市民提供一個既方便、又優質嘅服務。只要你選擇 Flash 服務後,Uber 就會為你配對最近上車位置嘅 UberX 或的士司機夥伴,啱曬分秒必爭嘅乘客。以後撳一個掣叫到兩種車,大家搭車就更方便啦!


點解要選擇Uber Flash ?

方便:一鍵叫齊的士或 UberX

依家喺同一個 Uber App 入面,輸入目的地後,就可以選擇新登場嘅 Flash,我哋會為你配對最近嘅的士或 UberX 司機夥伴,以後搭車就唔駛再左諗右諗!

優質:Uber 司機夥伴服務質素保證 

為保證服務質素,所有喺 Uber 香港平台上線嘅司機夥伴同車輛必須符合指定要求。我哋亦鼓勵所有司機夥伴及乘客為行程評分,以保證 Flash 嘅服務水平。同時我哋嘅客戶服務專員亦會跟進意見,如果乘客遺失物件或需要協助,我哋會隨時為你跟進。

Uber Flash 如何收費?

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[Uber 香港 Hong Kong]開Uber如何取得車輛


香港地狹人稠,想在香港開Uber 沒有車?沒有車正常囉!住的房都買不起了,怎可能買車,即使買了車,停車位在那裡?或是有車但你的車輛不符合要求?到Uber 香港車城租車吧!


Uber Hk 提供租車平台,連結車主與有需要租車的Uber Hong Kong 司機夥伴,讓你輕鬆找尋合適的車輛,租用上線。

立即加入Uber香港出行方案靈活自主 隨你所想


Uber HK與香港本地租車公司合作,為司機夥伴提供安全可靠的租車服務。Uber Hong Kong 租車公司會為你安排合適車輛,助你輕鬆上線駕駛。 詳情請致電 24 小時租車熱線 3018-1618。

Start driving at Uber

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[Uber 香港Hong Kong]Uber Hong Kong Calls for Taxi Partnerships As part of Flash’s Pilot Launch

Written byUber Hong Kong

Uber in a flash, a hybrid of UberX and Taxis

From today onwards, riders in Hong Kong will have a new option for convenient rides at affordable prices with Uber Hong Kong’s latest transportation option – Flash. Flash matches riders with the closest vehicle, either a taxi or an UberX, without having to switch through different apps. Similar to other Uber services, riders will see upfront fares before requesting for a ride. Flash rides are priced the same as an UberX.


Ms. Émilie Potvin, Head of Public Policy for North Asia, said, “We are very excited to launch Flash today and prove to taxi driver-partners that Uber’s technology can significantly enhance their business. Our goal is to help taxi partners to be more efficient and make cities more accessible to all. We are committed to making a difference to Hong Kong and we welcome all taxi partners to join us and enjoy what our technology has to offer.”

Flash is powered by technology that unlocks the true potential of Hong Kong. With the introduction of Flash in Hong Kong, Uber remains dedicated to ensuring a seamless, reliable and quality experience for all riders and driver-partners. Uber’s mutual rating system and 24/7 in-app customer support infrastructure remain available and in effect to maintain these standards. Users who order a Flash will continue to enjoy all existing features within the App, including upfront pricing, estimated time of arrival (ETA), in-app communication, live GPS location sharing, estimated time to destination (ETD), split fare, lost & found reporting, and electronic payment, etc.


Uber has taxis on the Uber App in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and now extending this offering to Hong Kong. For taxi partners who are interested in finding out more about this product, please fill up an enquiry form at http://t.uber.com/taxihk_enquiry.


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[Uber Hong Kong]Not sure who to call or speak to. I never used uber but I do need transportation next week. Anyone can help?



How to request a ride

Request a riding is easy, just follow the steps below!

1. Enter your destination address in the "Where to?" box, or tap a shortcut icon at the bottom of your screen. Shortcuts include recent destinations from your ride history or custom "Saved Places" you can set in your app

2. Your default pickup point is set to your current GPS location. If you are not being picked up at your current location, tap your pickup location on the map and update the address

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[Uber Hong Kong]Uber Flash has arrived! One tap for 2 options: UberX and Taxis

About Flash(Uber Hong Kong)

Variety is the spice of life, which is why we love giving you options.! Uber is launching Flash, a new option on our app that matches you with the closest Taxi or UberX. Every second counts for us busy Hong Kongers, so we’re here to make riding more convenient for everyone.

Why choose Flash?(Uber Hong Kong)

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[Uber Hong Kong]Uber Flash has arrived! One tap for 2 options: UberX and Taxis

About Flash(Uber Hong Kong)

Variety is the spice of life, which is why we love giving you options.! Uber is launching Flash, a new option on our app that matches you with the closest Taxi or UberX. Every second counts for us busy Hong Kongers, so we’re here to make riding more convenient for everyone.

Why choose Flash?(Uber Hong Kong)

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[Uber 香港]【6月24日 - 30日獎金轉賬日Uber HK 安排】

提提大家,由於7月1日 (星期一) 為香港公眾假期,6月24日 - 30日Uber 獎金將會順延至下一個工作天轉帳(即7月2日 星期二)。請各位耐心等候,敬請原諒。

如轉賬後你遇到任何帳單問題,請登入Uber 車手app,按右上角頭像,按右上角「幫助」後,選擇「送餐費問題」並填妥資料。Uber Hong Kong 會有專責同事負責你的查詢。謝謝。


【Weekly payment arrangement on week Jun 24 - 30】

Since the bank holiday is falling on Jul 1st (Monday), weekly payment of week Jun 24 - 30 will be processed on Jul 2nd (Tuesday) instead. Sorry for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.   

If you have any payment inquiry after transaction, please sign in to the driver app. Click on your profile picture on the top right corner, select "Help" > "Issue with delivery fare", and fill in the information. We will follow up as soon as possible. Thank you.

[Hong 香港]重返香港01

**UBER HK DRIVER 賺取優渥收入!重返Uber 香港01Uber輔導推廣碼:35q9mn

UBER HK 最低要求18 歲或以上根據法例可在你所在國家/地區駕駛

劉伯烏 博士 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

[UBER Hong Kong 合法化]Uber 與香港大學民意研究計劃就香港交通服務公佈民意調查結果,發現大多數香港市民支持 Uber HK 合法化。

Uber Hong Kong 有助促進香港智慧城市發展

調查結果清晰顯示香港人對創新及智能運輸系統的渴求,希望加快智慧城市的發展,絕大多數受訪者(82%) 更相信提倡Uber 創新科技能提升香港競爭力。

除此之外,六成的受訪者認為政府應採取措施,於其智慧城市發展藍圖中鼓勵共享汽車的發展。Uber 北亞區公共政策總監 Émilie Potvin 表示:「我們的目標是希望為市民在擁有私家車以外,提供更多的交通選擇,但我們需要與政府和私人企業充份合作,才能實現這願景。我們促請香港政府在積極發展智慧城市的時候,能著眼於智慧出行。我們相信 Uber HK 的科技及於平台上所收集的數據,能幫助有關當局改善交通堵塞問題,為每日東奔西跑的香港人提供更多的交通選擇。」

提升行業標準 保障消費者權益

今時今日,消費者期望得到更好的服務。當被問及對現時點對點交通服務質素的意見時,64%受訪者認為HK的士服務與過去一年相比並無任何改變,只有 11% 表示其服務有改善。

香港的士司機夥伴加入了 Uber App 後每日平均收入有見增加。除了提升收入外,Uber 認為本平台能增加的士使用率及有助推動業界提升服務質素。無論乘客或是司機夥伴,都能受惠於 Uber Hong Kong 的互相評分制度、智能配對服務、非現金支付方式、動態加乘、內置導航系統、安全功能,以及二十四小時客戶服務。

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[Ubereats Hong Kong]荃灣區嘅送餐夥伴留意喇!位於千色滙1期嘅 南記粉麵 已經加盟 Uber Eats 旗下!


Attention partners from Tsuen Wan! The Nam Kee Noodles located at Kolour Tsuen Wan has joined Uber Eats!

Nam Kee Noodles has always been one of the most popular restaurants, and the one in Tsuen Wan will not be an exception. Remember to go online near Kolour Tsuen Wan to get more orders from them!


[Hong 香港]重返香港01

**UBER HK DRIVER 賺取優渥收入!重返Uber 香港01Uber輔導推廣碼:35q9mn

UBER HK 最低要求18 歲或以上根據法例可在你所在國家/地區駕駛



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[UberEats 香港]Uber Eats 撳個掣,小窩米線,招牌春卷統統送到你面前


我哋話你知,以後食南記唔駛落街喇!打開 Uber Eats 撳個掣,小窩米線,招牌春卷統統送到你面前。而家落單新用戶輸入「4ueats」,仲可享首餐50%折扣^。

立即落單,優惠期至2019年4月30日。新用戶須於付款前輸入優惠碼方可享有關優惠, 最高獲$45減免。受條款及細則約束。

We are pleased to tell you Nam Kee is now available in Tsuen Wan district! Order their Noodle and Signature Spring Rolls with Uber Eats now. New users can also enjoy 50%^ off your first order by entering promo code “4ueats”.

^Valid till Apr 30, 2019. New users in HK must enter the promo code before checkout to enjoy offer, discount up to HK$45. T&C apply.


[Hong 香港]香港01

**UBER HK DRIVER 賺取優渥收入!重返Uber 香港01Uber輔導推廣碼:35q9mn

UBER HK 最低要求18 歲或以上根據法例可在你所在國家/地區駕駛

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[Ubereats 香港]【陳根記歸位!】UberEats Hong Kong 

香港遠近馳名嘅陳根記已經由以前嘅禾輋搬咗去石門啦!搬咗去新地址,但係品質依然咁好。UberEats deliver 可以去附近等單,咁就會大啲機會有單啦!

【Chan Kun Kee is back!】UberEats Hong Kong 

The infamous Chan Kun Kee has moved from Wo Che to Shek Mun now! Although they moved to a new place, the quality is still exceptionally good. You can standby near Shek Mun, so that you have higher chance of getting an order! 


[Hong 香港]重返香港01

**UBER HK DRIVER 賺取優渥收入!重返Uber 香港01Uber輔導推廣碼:35q9mn

UBER HK 最低要求18 歲或以上根據法例可在你所在國家/地區駕駛



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[Uber Hong Kong]Uber HK今個復活節繼續搭 Uber 向世界出發!期待已久嘅悠長假期又到喇,點可以唔去旅行休息下?香港國際機場啟用至今一直位於全球最繁忙機場之列,更係全球社交媒體打卡嘅地點中,香港機場長期排頭十名之內!

Uber 香港大數據更加顯示,全年最多乘客往返機場就係 4 月,今個 long weekend 你又去邊玩呢?一於搭 Uber 去HK機場輕鬆出走啦!

The much-anticipated long weekend is finally here! Easter eggs are hidden all over the world - who’s up for the hunt? Though a weekend getaway sounds brilliant, our very own Hong Kong International Airport is perhaps an Easter egg in itself. It made the top ten list of most checked-in spots on social media worldwide! 

Getting you in the holiday mood? We guessed it. Uber data shows that April is the holiday-season for Uber riders. Where are you off to this long weekend? Let Uber take you there.


劉伯烏 博士 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

[Uber Hong Kong Assist]Uber Improving accessibility in Hong Kong

Hong Kong


Some people in Hong Kong need an extra hand getting around the city. For that reason, Uber Hong Kong are excited to extend Assist to all riders in Hong Kong with different accessibility needs.

Assist is a special service that offers assistance to senior citizens and individuals with accessibility needs. With just a push of a button, they can request rides at UberX prices (Uber Hong Kong).

 (Uber Hong Kong)Kenneth She, General Manager of Uber Hong Kong, said: “This is a new option designed to provide additional support to seniors and members of the community with different accessibility needs, for example those who may use a folding wheelchair, walking aid, or those who are visually or hearing impaired.”

劉伯烏 博士 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

[Uber Hong Kong]Insurance for all rides on Uber in Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Getting people from A to B safely and reliably is the single most important thing we do every day at Uber.

Uber maintains a group ride-share liability insurance policy with a leading Hong Kong insurer. This policy provides additional protection to riders and third-parties during any Uber ride-sharing trip in Hong Kong.

The liability insurance policy protects riders and third-parties in the event of an accident during a ride-share involving bodily injury or death, and applies from the moment you book a trip, to the moment the last passenger exits the vehicle.

The limit of liability is HKD100 million per occurrence for bodily injury or death, which is equal to that required of all vehicles under Hong Kong law.

Please note: this post provides an informational summary of our insurance policy for quick reference and does not affirmatively or negatively amend, extend, or alter the coverage afforded by these policies.


[Hong Kong]重返香港01

**UBER HK DRIVER 賺取優渥收入!重返Uber 香港01

成為 香港 Uber 內的 Uber 合作駕駛,賺取優渥收入,一切任您做主。香港提供適合獨立合作夥伴的全職與兼職載客服務工作機會,Uber給您最大的工作時間彈性。Uber 會代為處理所有細節,協助您全神貫注從事最適合的車輛載客服

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