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Extension Granted for Expired PrDPs

Don’t delay. Use this new opportunity to renew your PrDP

The Minister of Transport recently announced an extension on the validity of various driver documents including Professional Driving Permits (PrDPs). You now have a fair chance to renew your driving permit. If your PrDP expired between 31 March 2020 and 31 August 2021, it will remain valid until 31 March 2022. This means you have additional time to get it renewed. If your PrDP is expired and the expiry date falls within the specified time interval, you can still upload it.

Important Note:

Remember, even though you have more time, we recommend that you use this time wisely by starting the renewal process now to avoid the last minute rush. Visit your nearest DLTC to renew your PrDP at your earliest convenience.

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    劉伯烏 博士

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