小型汽車道路駕駛考驗扣分項目及標準:100 分滿分,70 分及格
考驗 科目 扣 分 項 目 扣分 標準
一、 行車前檢查及 起駛前動作。 Pre-drive checks and actions before starting to drive.
1.上車前未察看車輛四周,車底及輪胎有無異物(狀)。Failing to examine the vehicle’s surrounding, underside and tires for any foreign object (or abnormality) before getting in the vehicle.
-32 分
2.起駛前未調整座椅、頭枕或照後鏡。(受測人應口誦及動作檢查項目)Failing to adjust seat, headrest or rear-view mirrors before starting to drive. (Test taker should speak out each check and make motion of checking.)
-4 分
3.未依規定繫安全帶。Failing to fasten seat belt according to regulations. -32分
Failing to check instruments (temperature, fuel, brakes, battery, oil) before starting to drive. (Test taker should state each check and point to the relevant instrument.) -4 分
5.手排車發動引擎未放空檔或未踩離合器、自排車發動引擎未入 P 檔或未踩煞車。 In a manual transmission vehicle, failing to put in neutral gear or failing to step on the clutch when starting the engine; in an automatic transmission vehicle, failing to have gear in P position or to step on the brake when starting the engine. -16 分
6.起駛前未鬆開手煞車及檢查煞車作用。Failing to release the handbrake and test the brakes before starting to drive. -16 分
7.起駛前未依規定顯示方向燈。Failing to use the indicator according to regulations before starting to drive. -32 分
8.起駛前未轉頭察看照後鏡及注意前後左右有無障礙或車輛、行人通過;未禮讓行進中之車輛、行人 優先通行。Failing to turn head to check in rear-view mirrors and look out for any obstructions or passing vehicles or pedestrians in front or behind on left and right before starting to drive; failing to yield priority of passage to advancing vehicles and pedestrians. -32 分
二、 交岔路口 Intersection
1.闖紅燈。Running a red light. -32 分
2.紅燈停車時前懸超越停止線或佔用機車停等區。When stopping at a red light, the front of the vehicle is past the stop line or encroaching on the motorcycle waiting zone. -32分
1. 起駛前未轉頭察看照後鏡並注意有無障礙或車輛行人。Before starting off, failing to turn head to look in rear-view mirrors and pay attention to whether there is any obstruction or any vehicle or pedestrian. -32 分
三、 斑馬紋行人穿 越道線 Zebra crossing.
1. 不減速慢行或不停車讓行人優先穿越。Not reducing speed and driving slowly or not stopping vehicle to allow pedestrian(s) to cross.
-32 分
2. 停車時前懸佔用斑馬紋行人穿越道線。Stopping with the front of the vehicle encroaching on the zebra crossing.
-32 分
3. 起駛前未轉頭察看照後鏡並注意有無障礙或車輛行人。Before starting off, failing to turn head to look in rear-view mirrors and pay attention to whether there is any obstruction or any vehicle or pedestrian.
-32 分
四、 路邊臨時停車 Temporary parking at roadside.
1.於禁止臨時停車線(紅線)停車。Parking on a no temporary parking line (red line). -32 分
2.擦撞路邊緣石或車輛。Hitting a roadside curb or a vehicle. -32 分
3.靠邊停車前或起駛前,未依規定顯示方向燈或未轉頭察看照後鏡及注意有無障礙或車輛行人。 Before parking at or pulling out from the side of the road, failing to flash indicator as stipulated by regulations or failing to turn head to look in rear-view mirrors and pay attention to whether there is any obstruction or any vehicle or pedestrian. -32 分
4. 臨時停車時,其右側前後輪胎外側距離緣石或路面邊緣逾六十公分。When parking temporarily, the front and back tires on the right side of the vehicle are more than 60 cm from the outer side of the curb or the pavement edge. -16 分
五、 車道行駛、變 換車道、路口 轉彎、迴車 Lane driving, changing lane, turning at intersection, and turning round.
1. 任意跨越兩車道行駛、擦撞車輛、安全島及損壞設施。Arbitrarily driving across two road lanes, hitting another vehicle or safety island, or damaging a fixture.
-32 分
2. 違規超車、逆向行駛、進入禁止地帶、跨越分向限制線或禁止變換車道線行駛。 Illegally overtaking, wrong-way driving, entering a forbidden zone, or crossing direction separation lines or lines indicating prohibition of lane change.
-32 分
3. 聞執行任務的消防車、救護車、警備車、工程救險車等警號,未依規定避讓。 Failing to get out of the way as stipulated by regulations upon hearing the siren of a duty-performing fire engine, ambulance, police car, or rescue vehicle.
-32 分
4. 岔路轉彎、變換車道前,未依規定顯示方向燈及未轉頭察看照後鏡並注意車輛與行人路況。 Before turning at an intersection or changing lane, failing to flash indicator light as required by law, or failing to turn head to look into rear-view mirrors and pay attention to the traffic and pedestrian road condition.
-32 分
5. 行駛中車輪壓實線(分向限制線、快慢車道分隔線、禁止變換車道線或路面邊線)。 Touching solid line with wheel (direction separation line, line separating fast and slow lanes, line indicating prohibition of lane change, or pavement edge line) while driving.
-32 分
6. 變換車道、轉彎後仍持續顯示方向燈。(連續扣分) Continuing to flash indicator light after changing lane or making a turn. (Multiple deductions apply.)
-16 分
7.汽車行駛未遵守路權:轉彎車應讓直行車先行、支線車應讓幹道車或少線道車應讓多線道車先行、 交岔路口左方車應讓右方車先行、進入圓環應讓環內車先行、多車道圓環應讓內側車道車輛先行及 其他車輛通行優先權利。(連續扣分) Failing to comply with right-of-way rules while driving: That is, vehicles when turning should yield to directly moving vehicles; vehicles on branch roads should yield to vehicles on trunk roads, or vehicles on roads with fewer lanes should yield to vehicles on roads with more lanes; vehicles turning left at intersections should yield to vehicles turning right; vehicles entering a roundabout should yield to vehicles within it; vehicles in a multi-lane roundabout should yield to vehicles on the inside lane; etc. (Multiple deductions apply.)
-16 分
7. 未依規定路線行駛或未依規定行駛正確車道。Failing to follow road lines according to regulations or failing to drive in correct lane according to regulations.
-32 分
9.行車速度控制不當(行經彎道、坡道、狹路、狹橋、隧道、學校、醫院、道路施工路段、積水路段、 無號誌之交岔路口、人車擁擠處所及其他應減速路段,未減速慢行作隨時停車之準備)。(連續扣分) Not properly controlling speed of vehicle (failing to reduce speed, drive slowly, and be ready to stop at any time when driving on a winding road, ramp road, narrow road or narrow bridge, through a tunnel, by a school or hospital, on a section of road where there is road work or that is under water, at an unsignalized intersection, in a place congested with vehicles or people, and on other road sections where speed should be reduced. (Multiple deductions apply.)
-8 分
六、 交通法規之遵 守 Compliance with traffic regulations.
1.超速或危險駕駛(指行駛中使用手持式行動電話撥接、通話…等易發生事故而法規禁止之行為。)或 下坡時將引擎熄火或排入空檔滑行。Speeding or driving dangerously (such as by using a hand-held mobile phone to make or receive a call while driving, and other actions prohibited by law that are likely to cause an accident), or turning off the engine or shifting into neutral gear to coast along when going down a slope.
-32 分
2.違規導致意外事故。Violating a regulation, resulting in an accident. -32 分
3.未禮讓行人。Failing to yield to a pedestrian. 32 4.未遵守道路交通法規或道路交通標誌、標線、號誌行車。Failing to drive in compliance with road traffic regulations or with road traffic signs, road markings, or traffic signals. -32 分
七、 全程道路行駛 Driving over the whole course of the test.
1.上、下車開車門前未留意有無人車通過(下車應以 2 段式開門)。Failing to look out for passing vehicles or pedestrians before opening door to get in or out of the vehicle. (Should open door in two stages when getting out of the vehicle.)
-32 分
2.起駛前未依規定顯示方向燈或未察看照後鏡並轉頭注意前後左右有無障礙或車輛行人。Failing to signal with the indicator in accordance with regulations, or failing to turn head to check in rear-view mirrors and look out for any obstructions or passing vehicles or pedestrians in front or behind on left and right, before starting off.
-32 分
3.行駛中停車或引擎熄火(人為操作)。(連續扣分) Stopping the vehicle or turning off the engine while driving (effected by the driver). (Multiple deductions apply.)
-16 分
4.以左腳控制煞車踏板(身心障礙者特製車除外)。(連續扣分) Using left foot to control the brake pedal (excepting disabled drivers in specially made vehicles). (Multiple deductions apply.)
-16 分
5.前進中換至倒檔。(連續扣分) Shifting to reverse gear while moving forward. (Multiple deductions apply.)
-16 分
6.單手握方向盤。(換檔除外)。(連續扣分) Holding the steering-wheel with one hand (apart from when changing gear). (Multiple deductions apply.)
-16 分
7.未依序換檔。(連續扣分) Failing to change gear in proper sequence. (Multiple deductions apply.) -8 分
8.不按考驗員指令駕駛,致考驗員為避免危險代為踩煞車或控制方向。Not driving in accordance with the examiner’s instructions, causing the examiner to take over braking or steering in order to avoid danger. -32分
9.考驗終點,停車後下車前未將引擎熄火或未拉緊手煞車(自排車未排入 P 檔)。At the end of the test, after stopping the vehicle and before getting out, failing to turn off the engine or failing to engage the handbrake (and for an automatic transmission vehicle, failing to put it into P gear). -16分
10.未能完成考驗或漏考任 1 科目。Not being able to complete the test, or missing out any single item. -32 分
八. 其他技術操作 (同1項目得連 續扣分;各項目 合計扣分最高不 得超過18分。) Other technical operations. (Multiple deductions may be made for one item, up to a maximum total of 18 points deducted for each.)
1.起步動作不當。Improperly moving from rest. -2分
2.油門控制不當。Improperly controlling the accelerator. -2 分
3.離合器操作不當。Improperly operating the clutch. -2 分
4.煞車(含手煞車)操作不當。Improperly operating the brakes (including the hand brake). -2 分
5.車輪已停止轉動,仍繼續轉動方向盤。Continuing to turn the steering wheel after the wheels have already stopped turning. -2 分
6.其他操作不當(含雨刷等基本操作),但對道路使用者無不利影響。Improperly performing other operations (including such basic operations as use of the windscreen wipers), but not so as to adversely affect other road users. -2分